New SSB Batch starts on every Monday.

Written batches for CDS/NDA/AFCAT/TA/CAPF/SSC runs every month

Shashwat Tiwari


NDA 145 Entry

Kuldeep kumar


NDA 145 Entry

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AIR 1 in Merit List

NDA 142 Entry


AIR 2 In the Merit List

Army Tech Entry

New SSB Batch starts on every Monday.

Written batches for CDS/NDA/AFCAT/TA/CAPF/SSC runs every month

UPSC successfully conducted NDA II (2021) and CDS II (2021) Written exam on 14 November 2021. This is the first time when both CDS and NDA exams were conducted on the same date, NDA exam was conducted in two shifts- Morning and afternoon. First shift consisted of mathematics paper and the second shift consisted of GS paper. Mathematics paper consists of 120 questions of 2.5 marks each and GS consists of 150 questions of 4 marks each. Complete answer key of Maths SET A and GS SET A has been prepared by our team to help the students evaluate their performance.
Although India is the oldest civilization in the world, it is a fairly young country with its democratic status and independence. 15 August commemorates the nation's independence from the British Raj in 1947. Since then, the day is celebrated with utmost pride and will forever be etched in the hearts of the citizens. Movements such as non-violence and civil disobedience are largely responsible for the culmination of 200 years of British rule. In this journey of 75 years, India has proudly gained the status of “ world’s largest democracy” and has maintained it to date.
Another strong empire was unfolding on a similar timeline as the Mughal Empire. The empire began with Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the 17th Century. Shivaji abolished the Jagir system in the military and introduced a new system where officers were paid a salary in cash for providing services to the empire. Despite being smaller in number, the Maratha army was brave enough to challenge the Mughal army. The focus was more on infantry troops than on cavalry. The reason behind it was because the region consisted of a rough landscape of the Western Ghats and other hilly regions. Another reason for the change of focus from cavalry to infantry was that the horse markets were controlled by the Mughals in North India and Shivaji didn’t have access to it.

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