I am Cadet Ashish Kumar of RMS Dholpur. I'm feeling great pleasure to inform you all that after months of hard work in Georgians defence academy I Cleared my SSB interview on 23 march 2020 from 11 SSB Allahabad for NDA 144.like every aspirant I came to Georgians defence academy with a hope of learning and improving my things in order to put myself best at SSB CENTER. In my initial days during speaking I used to do pronunciation mistakes, and a lot of hand movement was there but with daily lecurate practice at the academy I rectified these short comings. Similarly, in psychology portion I wasn't able to wrote stories properly, but here I guided to relate every picture in TAT with my life experience. It's really important thing and this I realized after my psychology test at SSB CENTER as I was able to relate every picture with my life experience and probably this was one of reasons which led to my selection.