New SSB Batch starts on every Monday.

Written batches for CDS/NDA/AFCAT/TA/CAPF/SSC runs every month

Shashwat Tiwari


NDA 145 Entry

Kuldeep kumar


NDA 145 Entry

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AIR 1 in Merit List

NDA 142 Entry


AIR 2 In the Merit List

Army Tech Entry

New SSB Batch starts on every Monday.

Written batches for CDS/NDA/AFCAT/TA/CAPF/SSC runs every month

Hello everyone, I’m cdt. Nishant Pandey of rashtriya military school, Dholpur. This is my story of clearing my ssb in first attempt. My father was in army and I have seen army life since my childhood and wanted to be one of them so I joined RMS Dholpur. There I learnt many games and participated …
Hello friends, I am AbhishekMani tripathi. I Completed my XII from Rashtriya Military school Bangalore in March 2018. In the School I was good in academics and average in sports. Initially when I joined the school, I had a lot of stage fear but with the help of my teachers and friends I was able …
What is NRC? NRC has its roots in the 1979-85 Assam agitation against foreigners marked by violent classes. Strikes and protests across the north eastern states. It was sparked by concerns that indigenous people of Assam were at risk of being outnumbered by outsiders reducing the opportunities for the economic advancement of the locals. The …

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